Easy cook pasta

Hello everyone! Welcome to our blog site! So, as of today, I’ll be blogging ‘Easy cook tuna pasta’. I love tuna pasta so so much that’s why I’m here to show to all of you how I make it. And of course! You can’t make your pasta without ingredients, so you’ll be needing some of these ingredients.




  • Pasta
  • In canned tuna
  • Oil/butter
  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • In canned mushroom
  • Cream
  • Cheese
  • Salt
  • Pepper


.First thing you’re going to need is a pan, put water in it and wait until it boils. When its already boiling, put your pasta inside the pan who has a boiling water, wait for your pasta to be cooked.IMG_1623.JPG

By using another big frying pan for your pasta’s sauce, put some oil in it (you can also use butter) wait until the oil boils.



After that out the garlic and onion (make sure its already sliced to pieces), mix them and make sure its already cooked before you put the next ingredient. (don’t let it be toasted).



Second put your in canned mushroom, mix it with the garlic and onion, make sure its cooked.


Third, put your in canned tuna, mix it with your last ingredients.


It cant be tuna pasta without cream, so you can now put it with in your pan with your last ingredients.


you can also add some seasonings, so you can add your salt and pepper so its not that flavorless/ tasteless.


When your pasta’s sauce is ready, mix your pasta’s sauce to your pasta, but make sure the water on your pasta is dispersed. Now you already have a tasty pasta! Then put your cheese so it’ll be more tasty.


Now here’s your finish product!


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